The following comment is posted on behalf of Sammy Easterday:
Thanks for sending the proposed resolution [which] shows; I feel sure, a lot of passion, thought and work, and thanks to those that crafted it. Please pass my comments on to forum and others, my computer has real problems and is erratic in performance, so it is not dependable although I have spent countless hours, $, etc. trying to get it back to “normal”.
In its present form I vote against [the resolution]. I am not a wordsmith so my review is not meant as such. The present document goes on and on and on, one looses interest and in some places it is difficult to follow the train of thought.
I have many problems with it. First of all WAY too wordy in all; the adjectives (atrocities/other) are way over the top ...simple statements get the message across much more potently...a one pager that people can refer to (that isn’t a font so small as to need magnifying glasses) people can pull out, read, or quote. An old Irish quote “3 glories of speech, steadiness---wisdom---BREVTY “ seems appropriate.
Edit example- ...whereas..some politicians and elected officials have encouraged and voted for discriminatory laws and practices historically and at the present time against our Jewish, Asian, Middle Eastern (Muslim), LGBQ, black, native American citizens and visitors, we therefore....etc.
After all we don’t need to perseverate on each and every minority or group-just insure we include them all. Right now the anti Jewish sentiment is our closest irritating, racist, etc. event(s). In 2 months it may be Catholics, or Black or native Americans populations. If we want a statement, it should even handedly clearly state what we stand for...not words and words of WHY, a brief summary of why is fine. We want to look at this in 2 years and feel proud to reiterate our stance.
History-- could be consolidated for the above group; Edit example- ..from the 1800’s and through today in America, shameful laws have been passed, violence from governmental and nongovernmental persons and groups against our neighbors has occurred ... (use references as needed as a footnote)
Example of needless verbiage...“with our witnessing leaders from all political sides use anti-Semitic tropes, from modifying pictures to inflate their Jewish opponents’ noses to slurring that its “all about the Benjamins”...
I don’t really know what the problem really is....why or what is referenced. ...many do not know of “Benjamins”, and I truly don’t know the whole is not necessary for me to know all about Benjamins if what I stand for as a democrat member of NETCO Dems addresses equity, justice, compassion and willingness to work for those who may be other than Caucasian as well as for a political party (incidentally involving Caucasians along with others), that flawed though it certainly is, is our best defense for democracy at the present time. In time,” Bejamins” could be referenced by another name, so quoting a current negative pejorative word might not stand the test of time.
Thanks much for asking for opinions. I truly, truly hope it gets revised.
Sammy Easterday