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NETCo Dems News
Attached are the Bylaws approved December 10, 2021.
Updated: Dec 13, 2021
The NETCo Dems Executive Committee requests NETCo Dems members vote on adopting this member-proposed Diversity Resolution.
Recently, TCDP passed a resolution denouncing racism, bigotry, and anti-Semitism in response to legislative, institutional, and personal attacks on members of certain groups in our community and nation. With that resolution TCDP undertook to ask members and associates to join in the actions to counter that trend.
The TCDP Chair, Katie Naranjo, subsequently requested NETCo Dems consider following TCDP with our own resolution similar to TCDP's. In response, a draft resolution was discussed in the November meeting and then posted in the NETCo Dems Forum for review and comment.
Voting Framework: This member vote does not require advanced notice. The EC may decide to conduct Club votes online. A majority vote of the voters participating will decide.
Who can Vote: All members in good standing are eligible to vote on this proposal. To be in good standing, members must have registered and paid club dues for the year 2021. If you do not know if your membership is current, please vote anyway. Duplicate and ineligible ballots will be removed from the count.
How to Vote: The EC has designated this vote to be taken online at https://bit.ly/NETCoDemsMemberVote-DivRes Voting opens on December 5th, 2021. Voting will close at December 10th, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
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